Isotank Specifications

Possible Substances: Dangerous chemical liquids: toxic and/or corrosive and/or flammable
Tare: 3 to 4,5 Tons
Capacity: 14.500 L to 26.000 L
Steel Thickness: Stainless 4,90 mm to 8 mm
Discharge Location: Top, bottom, or both
Possible Substances: Low dangerous chemical liquids or alcoholic beverages (i.e. Flammable liquids with a flash point below 61°C)
Tare: 2,5 to 3,4 Tons
Capacity: 19.000 L to 25.500 L
Steel Thickness: Stainless 3 mm to 3,18 mm
Discharge Location: Bottom
Possible Substances: Gases, liquified under pressure (products with a pressure over 3 bars at 50°C)
Tare: 5 to 9 Tons
Capacity: 15,000 L to 25.000 L
Steel Thickness: Carbon 10 mm to 17,6 mm
Discharge Location: Top, bottom, or bottom in the center
Possible Substances: Gases, liquified by cooling (gases impossible to liquify at ambient temperature)
Tare: 7,5 Tons
Capacity: 17.000 L
Steel Thickness: Double thickness. Vacuum isolation
Discharge Location: Bottom
Special Fittings: Most tanks for liquids are heated by steam, water, and/or electricity or insulation. Cooling equipment optional.

The listing of IMO types has been replaced by the “T” code system. We have retained the above detail for point of reference, as the “T” code system has to be read in conjunction with the current regulations.

Min test pressure Bottom opening provisions Srvs
T11.5 bar2Normal
T21.5 bar3Normal
T32.65 bar2Normal
T42.65 bar3Normal
T52.65 barNot allowedFrangible disc
T84Not allowedNormal
T94Not allowedNormal
T104Not allowedFrangible disc
T1263Frangible disc
T136Not allowedNormal
T146Not allowedFrangible disc
T16103Frangible disc
T18103Frangible disc
T1910Not allowedFrangible disc
T2010Not allowedFrangible disc
T2110Not allowedNormal
T2210Not allowedFrangible disc
T23Organic Peroxides and self-reactive substances are assigned to portable tank instruction
T50Liquefied compressed gases are assigned to portable tank instruction T50
T75Refrigerated liquefied gases are assigned to portable tank instruction T75